Cracking The Impulsive Shopping Code

(An Intriguing Exploration Of Indomaret In Huko-Huko Village)


  • Jeanette Tangalayuk Universitas Sembilabelas November Kolaka
  • Almansyah Rundu Wonua Universitas Sembilabelas November Kolaka
  • Hanif Kurniadi Universitas Sembilabelas November Kolaka



Discount, Impulse Buying, Product Display


This study seeks to investigate the relationship between discounts and product display in influencing impulsive buying among customers at Indomaret in Huko-Huko Village. The study encompassed all customers of Indomaret in Huko-Huko Village, with a sample of 110 respondents chosen using purposive sampling. The research data was analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM-PLS) method. The results of the study indicate that discounts have a positive and statistically significant impact on impulsive buying, and product display also has a positive and significant influence on impulsive purchases


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How to Cite

Jeanette Tangalayuk, Almansyah Rundu Wonua, & Hanif Kurniadi. (2023). Cracking The Impulsive Shopping Code: (An Intriguing Exploration Of Indomaret In Huko-Huko Village). Jurnal Mahasiswa Kreatif, 1(6), 171–180.