Sosialisasi Dan Identifikasi Bahaya Pestisida Dan Cara Penggunaan Yang Aman Bagi Petani Dalam Budidaya Tanaman Pangan Di Moyo Utara


  • Rafi’ah Rafi’ah STIKES Griya Husada Sumbawa
  • Iga Maliga STIKES Griya Husada Sumbawa
  • Ana Lestari STIKES Griya Husada Sumbawa
  • Herni Hasifah STIKES Griya Husada Sumbawa



Pesticides, Farmers, Crop cultivation


Pesticides are chemical substances used in agriculture to combat pests and diseases in plants. Improper use of pesticides can pose hazards to human health and the environment. The purpose of this community service is to identify pesticide hazards and provide education to farmers in North Moyo on the safe use of pesticides in crop cultivation. The methods to be employed in this community service include conducting surveys and identification of pesticide use practices in North Moyo, as well as raising awareness about the dangers of pesticides and safe usage methods. The outcome of this community service is that farmers in North Moyo will have a better understanding of the hazards of pesticides and safe usage practices, thereby minimizing health and environmental risks in crop cultivation.


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How to Cite

Rafi’ah Rafi’ah, Iga Maliga, Ana Lestari, & Herni Hasifah. (2023). Sosialisasi Dan Identifikasi Bahaya Pestisida Dan Cara Penggunaan Yang Aman Bagi Petani Dalam Budidaya Tanaman Pangan Di Moyo Utara. Jurnal Pelayanan Hubungan Masyarakat, 1(2), 212–219.